About payment

When you shop at apovi.se, you always pay on your own terms. Pay immediately, later or split your payment. We always have an option that suits you and your needs.By clicking "Complete purchase" you accept their conditions (Nets easy/Svea/Stripe) as well as our purchase conditions.Nets Checkout presents certain information to you as soon as you are identified. Any credit information is never taken directly in Nets Checkout, but when necessary depending on the payment option you have chosen. Credit information taken by Nets does not affect your credit rating and cannot be seen by others who request credit information about you, such as banks. If credit is not granted, you need to choose another payment method such as card payment or Nets Easy, alternatively contact Nets.

We offer the following payment options

Pay direct
Bank Card
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
Direct payment from your bank account via Nets, Stripes etc.
  • Via most Swedish banks

Nets Easy

Nets Easy Checkout supports a variety of payment methods to provide convenience to your consumers. This ranges from:
-Account to Account (A2A)
-Card Wallet-based payment methods

Swish is a mobile payment solution where you connect your mobile number to your bank account. If you are connected to Swish, you can also use it as a payment method. Select Swish as the payment method and follow the instructions and approve the payment with your mobile bank ID. Swish is not available if you choose subscription.

Buyer protection

If your qualifying purchase doesn't arrive or doesn't match the seller's description, we can replace you.

Fraud protection

We monitor all transactions 24/7 to prevent fraud, fake emails and identity theft.

Data encryption

All transactions are encrypted using our advanced encryption technology.

Svea has payment options to allow payment options in invoice, partial payment, direct bank payment or card payment. Svea uses Payon for online payment solution.