MAM Cooler Teether +4 Months - Different colors

  • 55 SEK

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MAM Cooler is a BPA-free teether that is filled with water. Feel free to put it in the fridge for a while and it will be cool and nice for the child to bite on, thus relieving sore gums in connection with teething.
The ring comes in different colours, and it's a surprise which colours you and your child will get!

Of course, the teether is BPA-free and CE-marked.

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Country of origin

Dosage & use
Put the MAM Cooler teether in the fridge before use, and it will be cool and comfortable for the child to bite on, thus relieving sore gums.

Water part: EVAPlastic: ABSRing: TPE

Product Facts
EAN: 7392855014930
Package Size: 1 st