Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

When you entrust Apovi with your personal data, it is important to us that you feel safe. We protect your personal privacy. Your personal data is treated with the greatest respect and is in accordance with current legislation. This policy describes how we collect and process your personal data when you visit our website and use the services offered there.

All personal data processing takes place in accordance with the Data Act and the data protection regulation. The personal data controller is Emengo International AB, Organization number: 559039-1099

Your personal data and how we handle it

What personal data do we collect and why?

We collect personal data directly from you in connection with your visiting and using our website or contacting us via email, chat, telephone or otherwise. For handling prescriptions, we also collect personal data about you from the eHealth Authority and the Swedish Tax Agency. The information we process about you is shown in the table below.

You are never under a legal obligation to provide your personal data to us, but if you do not allow us to process your personal data according to the table above, this may limit our ability to fulfil the contract with you and provide you with your order.

* In connection with your personal data being processed in support of Apovi's legitimate interests, Apovi has made a careful balance between your interests in not having your personal data processed and Apovi's interest in processing the data. If you want more information about how this assessment was made, you are welcome to contact us according to the information below. outweighs your interest in not having your personal data processed for these purposes.

With whom do we share the personal data?

In order to conduct our business in an efficient and legal manner, your personal data may be transferred to the recipients specified below. These recipients act either as independent personal data controllers or as personal data assistants to Apovi. All personal data is transferred to the respective recipient based on Apovi's legitimate interests in providing you with the service you requested, fulfilling the contract with you, fulfilling indirect obligations according to law or administering our business.* Transfers to authorities only take place if required by law.

Payment solutions

In order to be able to take payments, and manage invoices and payments, we share data with our connected payment solutions SVEA and Nets Easy. SVEA and Nets Easy collect personal data about you in connection with the payment of your purchase at Apovi. SVEA and Nets Easy are independent personal data controllers for the processing of your personal data that takes place through their services. For more information about their processing of your personal data and their terms and conditions click here for SVEA terms and conditions or Nets Easy terms and conditions.

Transport company/Shipping company

Those who deliver Apovi goods and products to you get access to your personal data to carry out the delivery. Apovi works together with DHL, and PostNord. Depending on the service, these companies act either on behalf of Apovi as personal data assistants or as independent personal data controllers. If you want to know more about this processing and the transfer of your personal data, please contact [email protected].


When you use our chat and/or FAQ, personal data such as e.g. telephone number, name, address, e-mail, IP number and the information that you yourself provide to our service provider Imbox, which acts as our personal data assistant.

Prescription management

When handling prescriptions, information is exchanged with the eHealth Authority in accordance with legal obligations arising from pharmacy legislation. eHälsomyndigheten is the personal data controller for the national prescription repository, the drug list, the high-cost database and the EEA. Read more on the eHälsomyndigheten's website


At the request of an authority, according to law or authority decision, we may be obliged to disclose certain personal data, for example to the Police in connection with a criminal investigation. On the same basis, we may also provide information to the eHealth Authority, the Swedish Medical Products Agency, the National Board of Health and Welfare and the Health Care Inspectorate. These authorities act as independent personal data controllers and information about their personal data processing can be found at the respective authorities.

Company changes

We may share necessary personal data with potential buyers if we were to sell all or part of the business or in the event of a merger.

Transfer to third countries
As a general rule, all processing of your personal data takes place within the EU/EEA. For certain limited services such as third-party cookies, personal data is transferred to countries outside the EU/EEA, including the United States, which may have a lower level of protection for personal data than within the EU/EEA. The transfer is based on our legitimate interest and is necessary for us to enable the provision of our services. When transferring personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA, we use the European Commission's standard contractual clauses to ensure a sufficient level of protection for your personal data. The Standard Contractual Clauses can be found via the following link: .Do you want a detailed list of our third country transfer, you can contact us at  [email protected]

How we protect your personal data
We have taken appropriate security measures to protect your personal data against loss, misuse and unauthorized access. The number of people who have access to your personal data is limited. Only people with us who need to process your personal data have access to it.
We use industry standards to store, process and communicate sensitive information in a secure manner, e.g. SSL/TLS, PGP and encryption solutions.
Everyone who works in health care, both public and private, works under confidentiality and non-disclosure. This also applies to employees at pharmacies and thus all staff who work with us at Apovi.

You have rights when it comes to our processing of your personal data. You have the right to:

  • Request information about our processing of your personal data.
  • Get incorrect personal data concerning you corrected or supplemented.
  • Object to the processing of your personal data if based on Apovi's legitimate interest, unless Apot can demonstrate compelling legitimate reasons for the processing that outweigh your interests. You always have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data for direct marketing.
  • Demand that the processing be restricted provided that Apovi does not have a legal right to continue the processing.
  • Have your personal data deleted once the personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or processed. If you revoke the consent on which the processing is based if you object to the processing and there are no legitimate reasons for the processing, if the personal data has been processed in an illegal manner or if the personal data must be deleted to fulfil a legal obligation.
  • Obtain the personal data you have provided to Apovi in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and transfer this data to another personal data controller if the processing is based on consent or agreement (data portability).
  • You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us via the contact details below or by using the unsubscribe link found in all campaigns, offers and newsletters we send you.

If you have questions or wish to exercise any of your rights, please contact our data protection officer at [email protected] . Copies of your personal data will be sent without undue delay to your civil registry address. If you have any objections or complaints about how we process your personal data, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Swedish Data Protection Authority.

Apovi reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy at any time, to the extent that they are necessary to remedy disturbances or meet new legal and technical requirements. Any changes to this privacy policy will be posted on the website.