Semper Summer porridge 3-6 years 500 g

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Semper's Summer porridge with whole grain and flavor of pear, apple and strawberry is a good and vitamin-rich breakfast for children between 3-6 years. Based on milk and oats from Swedish farms and unsweetened. Semper's Summer porridge is enriched with both vitamin D and calcium, which are needed for the development of the child's skeleton, as well as iodine, which contributes to normal growth. The porridge is not only good, it also contains iron, which helps the child's cognitive development. Each package contains 500 g, which gives 14 portions. The Swedish Food Agency recommends iron-fortified porridge from 4 months at the earliest.


Nutritional value per 100 grams

Energica 454 kilokalori
Energica 1905 kilojoule
Fettca 18 gram
Varav mättat fettca 3.60 gram
Varav enkelomättat fettca 8.40 gram
Varav fleromättat fettca 5.20 gram
Kolhydratca 55 gram
Varav sockerarterca 25 gram
Fiberca 4.60 gram
Proteinca 14 gram
Saltca 0.43 gram
Natriumca 0.17 gram
Vitamin Aca 350 mikrogram
Vitamin Dca 11 mikrogram
Vitamin Eca 7 milligram
Vitamin Cca 80 milligram
Tiaminca 0.70 milligram
Riboflavinca 0.50 milligram
Niacinca 7 milligram
Vitamin B6ca 0.40 milligram
Folsyraca 45 mikrogram
Vitamin B12ca 1 mikrogram
Pantotensyraca 2 milligram
Kaliumca 862 milligram
Kloridca 427 milligram
Kalciumca 600 milligram
Fosforca 449 milligram
Magnesiumca 80.30 milligram
Järnca 8.50 milligram
Zinkca 4 milligram
Jodca 100 mikrogram

Ingredients: MILK (<0.1% fat), whole WHEAT flour, whey powder (from MILK), OAT flour 10%, CREAM, WHEAT flour, rapeseed oil, pear juice concentrate 6.5%, RYE flour, sunflower oil, sifted OAT flour 3.5%, apple juice concentrate 1, 5%, strawberry flake 1% (strawberry, corn starch, sunflower lecithin), apple pieces 1%, minerals (calcium, iron, zinc, iodine), vitamins (A, D, E, C, thiamin, niacin, B6, folic acid, B12, pantothenic acid ). 229 g of MILK (<0.1% fat) has been used to make 100 g of finished product. The product contains 36% wholegrain flour.

Product Facts
EAN: 7310100291080
Package Size: 500 g